The Urban Policy sector promotes coordinated multi-sectoral policy dialogue and advocacy to support resilient urban recovery and development. The Urban Policy WG convened for the first time in 2023 around UN Habitat’s recommendations on housing policy priorities as entry point to urban policy themes. Subsequently, the WG agreed to broaden the focus to identifying urban policy priorities, through multiple bilateral, group-, and online- consultations. Following the presentation of initial findings from these consultations, the WG members agreed to support drafting a position paper capturing key recommendations. Please see the minutes of meetings below for further details linked to this.
In 2022, topics linked to this sector were discussed under the 3RF Housing Working Group, the 3RF Municipal Services Working Group and to some extent the 3RF Culture Working Group. In an effort to simplify coordination and support a cross-sectoral approach, in 2023, these Working Groups were merged into the Urban Policy Working Group.
Minutes of meeting